Monday, 13 December 2010

A Little Less Conversation A Little More Action

From day one I knew the magnitude of the task I have chosen to undertake. Although I may appear a bit "gung ho" about certain aspects of the plan and have a no worries mantra towards possible pitfalls this is simply my nature and I cannot change it. 

I fully recognise my reality and relish in it and it is this reality of the present that I choose to focus the majority of my energy on rather the the endless possibilities of the future. There are only three main obstacles which I am focusing on and I (like any other budding student studying American politics) have abbreviated them! They are the FPJ'S.

 F stands for fundraising. I intend to raise a minimum of 5 thousand pounds before I run and another 2 thousand pounds whilst I am running. I also intend to raise 1,500 pounds for me to live on whilst I am running. 

How will I achieve this?

I have set up a Justgiving page, a really innovative idea (which I wish I conceived!) where donors can quickly and easily donate through a profile page describing what I am doing. I am also receiving a huge amount of help from wateraid themselves who will be sending me buckets, T-shirts and other items to help sap out the pennies of my fellow students :)

In terms of my personal living costs I hope to gain some cooperate sponsorship. Despite my views im not going to rubbish this option, who knows I may be approached by some reasonably ethical company's... but I wont count on it. And besides I don't want this to turn into one big marketing opportunity for a new "ethical MacDonald's water campaign". So I will be saving my pennies. I have worked out that I can save a minimum of 500 pounds out of my own pocket, with a further 300 pounds coming from DJ'ing.  I will also be asking friends/family to donate to my personal living costs and I would expect a return of 400 pounds.  Making my total before departure 1,200 pounds ( I still need to work on the 300 pounds!)

P stand for Physical.

Naturally anyone who wants to do what I am doing has to be at there physical and mental peak.  I would not of made this daring challenge if I didn't think I could do it. I have been testing myself physically since I could walk, I have fought, performed and travelled the globe to tame the adventurer in me, but it cannot be tamed. This challenge is simply a raising of the bar and the first step in my life ambition to be a selected for a mission to Mars or some other suicidal  attempt at travelling the cosmos (granted I will not be the most useful member in a team filled with of the worlds finest pilots and astrophyicts but someones got to do the dishes). But more importantly I want to do something meaningful.

I am looking around the world today and we have all become so selfish its unreal The fundamental concepts of  Capitalism has ingrained in everyone of us the notion that money will buy you happiness (it will only buy temporary happiness like a shot of heroin in the veins). I am truly happy seeing other people happy, and there a lot of people on Earth who are not happy at all. Every human being should be able to drink some fresh water, have a roof over there heads at night and be able to live free of  being shot at. And I will feel content knowing I have left the world making one persons life better. So how will I become a physical specimen?

I intend to draft a training regime other Christmas ( with the advice of qualified sports scientist and nutritionists ) over the next few weeks. And install into my life a nomadic existence based on training, eating and sleeping. If a man with one leg can run across America. A man with two legs and a litre of Ginseng juice can run to Rome. By June I will be in the shape of my life.

J stands for...Journey!

This is a no brainer. I will need to plan adequate accommodation and draft a route which will give me both the fastest and safest route to Rome. This shall be done thought the use of Google and some very cool books I have!

Anything else health....the weather....what happens if I get attacked by a brown bear cannot be changed. Therefore I really don't care about them. A little less conversation...a little more action.

 Im going for a run.

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