Tuesday, 4 January 2011


Today I brought A load of supplements. When I was training for fights I swore against them but through increased exposure from my Nutrional expert, Joe, I have been swayed around. And anything which will help my body through this I will take (apart from steroids due to the small side effect of your Penis shrinking!). I have now gone 4 days Alcohol free so far it is a breeze, although as it stands I am alone in halls. The true test will be when everyone gets back and starts pear pressuring me into drinking!

It would not kill me to go on the lash for one night fitness wise, But mentally it could be devastating. Everyone is stupid when they get drunk but I am REALLY stupid when I get drunk. Im a bit of a Lightweight which  does not help as seen here.  
It is even worse when me AND Max drink (which we did a lot of travelling).

So Alcohol must be a no no. Training is going ok, I have a small niggling injury to the left of my hip, im keping a check of it and if it develops I will take a visit to a witch doctor. Fingers crossed my university will help me with promoting the charity and event. They would give me a massive boost in terms of exposure. Just about to do some interval work now. So ill leave this computer and get back to what Im best at doing! 

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