Friday, 18 March 2011

Its Been A While

I haven't really posted in a while. I will make up for it in the next few weeks.

The last time I posted was around a month ago now. To be honest things have just gone mental. I did not expect to be doing half the things I would be doing by April, but this is the power of positive thinking and the will to succeed!

At the end of February me and max met up for our monthly dose of pain. This does of pain was a 24 mile run to Coulsdon back to Redhill and to the top of Box Hill. Here is a clip of our training. Due to our Camera man getting injured we stopped filming at the base of Box Hill, but you get the general picture.

At the start of March I stepped up my training to two daily runs of varying distances. I also stepped up my HIIT training, adding a four mile sprint before I tackled 8 stair climbs and 200 press ups. As It stands im putting in 55-60 mile weeks and this total is only going to get higher. I have also ran out of text books to add to Bertha. I have added a fire extinguisher to my bag to bring Bertha up to 14kgs. My dietary needs are also getting silly. I worked out that in a three day period I eat 2kg of Meat three bags of salad and  400 grams of grapes. And that's just dinner!

I am still motivated to train but at times things do get hard. Sometimes I wake up in the early hours of the morning and look into the distance, hearing the howls of my fellow students coming back from another good night out. Thinking how much I would like to be joining them before realising I have to be up in a matter of hours to run 8 miles. And as more and more people show interest in the event I feel the pressure on my shoulders mounting. I will have to lead the team through some really difficult times and sometimes I forget that I am still only 20 years old.

On the 10th of March I ran up and down my halls 50 times to raise awareness of my cause and to show people that I am fit enough and have the mental strength to complete this quest. Two Spartans joined me , Dan and Will. I would like to thank them for sharing my pain, they made the day a whole lot more fun. I would also like to thank my housemates who helped me massively throughout the day and a host of other people.

As I am writing this I stand only 10 or so weeks out from the beginning of this run. As I said from day one this will not be a holiday walk through Europe but 8 weeks of pain, pain to get to Rome in under 60 days. This was my claim and I am a man of my word. The training, the mental game is all piecing together. Come June we will be ready for anything.

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